Preparing for Surgery

Decision Making

Our goal at Thrive is for you and your pet to have a positive experience throughout the process of surgery. We never want our pets to require surgery, but often surgical treatment can improve both quality of life and overall lifespan. However, it is important to understand that just because we can do surgery, doesn’t mean it is the best option for you and your pet. We encourage you to ask all your questions, as we want you to be confident in your decision on the day of surgery.

Surgery Consultation

At your initial consultation with Dr. Serratore (whether in person on via phone), you will discuss the available treatment options for your pet’s condition, surgical risks, potential outcomes, and aftercare expectations. Your primary veterinarian will later provide you with a surgical estimate that includes both Dr. Serratore’s surgery estimate and the host hospital’s estimate for pre- and post-operative care.

Aftercare Preparation

Once surgery is scheduled, we recommend preparing your house for the aftercare process. Regardless of the type of surgery, all pets will need to be confined and activity restricted for a period of time. No running, jumping, staircases, or rough play, and outside only on a leash. Consider whether you need to purchase a crate, corral, or baby gates. Any e-collars, slings, or harnesses recommended after the procedure will be provided the day of surgery. If you are interested in an alternative to the e-collar, you may consider purchasing a lick sleeve (see the Resources tab).

Fasting and Oral Medications

To minimize the risk of vomiting under anesthesia, pets need to be fasted prior to a scheduled surgery. Unless otherwise instructed, pets should not receive food after midnight on the day before surgery, but water is ok. The majority of oral medications can be administered like normal the morning of surgery. You can use a very small treat if needed for the pilling process. Don’t hesitate to ask your primary veterinarian if you are unsure about whether a medication should be given the day of surgery.


Thrive invoices the host hospital for all services provided (including initial phone consultations) and these charges are passed on to you by the hospital at the time of service. All clients are encouraged to consider CareCredit financing ( Please be aware that scheduled consultations and surgeries cancelled with less than 24 hrs (business day) notice may be subject to a cancellation fee (up to the full price of the Thrive consult fee or half the high end of the Thrive surgery estimate)."

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